Lunar Phase - an advanced lunar calendar with notifications, including upcoming phases, solar, and lunar eclipses, covering the entire 21st century. Including 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030.
iOS 8.0+ Android 4.0.4+

Lunar Phase for iOS

Now with an Apple Watch companion App with watch face complications !

Explore aspects of lunar phases, eclipses, and cycles.
Lunar Phase is an app that not only gives you instant access to the present moon phase and upcoming phase dates, but also includes an advanced lunar calendar with notifications, a solar eclipse tracker, and a synodic cycle explorer.
The initial page is the quick glance. It shows the present phase of the moon, visible percentage, age in days, distance, and the current zodiac constellation the moon is moving thorough. If you allowed the app access to your location, you will also see azimuth, altitude, and moon rise and set times for the present day.
Also displayed are the next 4 upcoming phases, with exact phase times, moon rise and set times.
All moon images are adjusted for the hemisphere you are in. So folks south of the equator see the moon as it appears in their sky. Location access is required for this feature.

Lunar Calendar
The lunar calendar shows the phase of the moon for each day of the month. The present date is highlighted in green. All four phases of the moon are identified in this view, along with Lunar and Solar Eclipses, Supermoons, Micromoons, and Blue moons. The calendar covers dates from January 2001, through December 2100.
Select an individual day, and you will see the detail view for that day. By using the slider control in that view, you can see information about every minute of that day. Lunar eclipse information is displayed here.

Lunar Eclipses of the Moon
The lunar eclipse detail view displays the elevation of the moon for the duration of the eclipse. Start, end times, and compass headings are displayed.
Each stage of the eclipse is clearly identified, with start, end and duration.

Solar Eclipses of the Moon
The solar eclipse view lists all solar eclipses for the 21st century. Scroll through the list, select a chosen eclipse and you will be shown a preview of that eclipse. The preview is a static image, which represents an overview of the entire eclipse.
Total, Annular, and Hybrid eclipses also have a map view to explore. The map view, is an interactive google map, displaying a countdown until greatest eclipse, and minimum distance to the best view.

Synodic Cycle of the Moon
The synodic cycle view shows variations in the duration of the synodic month, new moon to new moon.
There is a repeating cycle that occurs every 111 months, or 9 1/4 years. You can pinch and spread that view to zoom in or out, and see years and decades. You can also pan the view to explore dates visually or select any date desired, by tapping the date button and selecting a date in the picker.

App Settings
In the settings view you can choose to see distances in Miles or Kilometers. Also you can select which notifications you would like receive. These not only include notifications for the 4 phases, but also for Lunar and Solar eclipses.

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