Sonance - An iOS, iPadOS Audio Spectrum Analyzer and Music Player
Version 3.2 iOS 9.0+

Sonance is SoundView for Android Devices.

iPhone XS

Sonance - An audio spectrum analyzer and a music player with visual experiences.
Sonance plays music that is on your device, and displays waveform and audio spectrum visualizations, plus power level meters. You can see the beat !
iPhone 8

Sonance has an in-car user interface, with large buttons, and swipe gestures to move between songs. It's good to use while driving, since you don't have to focus much on it to make a desired change, yet it also has entertaining visualizations to enhance the musical experience, when you can focus on it.
Sonance has an easy to use shuffle mode, as well as the ability to repeat one, or a queue of chosen songs.
iPhone XS

It has a variety of settings allowing personal customization of startup, user interface, and visualizer settings.
The visualizer has a full screen mode, that allows for all manner of customization, via pinch and swipe gestures.
Sonance also works well with AirPlay, and the visualizers look great when Mirroring your device.
Sonance does retain SoundView's original ability to visualize input from the microphone. This allows you to have fun with sound ! It analyzes sound from the built in microphone, or from an attached external microphone, and displays both the audio input signal, and the "frequency bars", which are the results of the spectrum analysis.
The audio input signal is displayed in the lower view as a waveform and the spectrum is displayed in the upper view as bars indicating the strength of that frequency within the audio input signal.
Frequencies range from 0 hertz to 22000 Hertz or 22K, this is the range of the iPhone and iPad microphone, and also the general range of human hearing.
You can use a horizontal and vertical pinches on either display to zoom in/out of the visualization. On the Spectrum display you can also use a slide gesture, to move the display left and right, allowing you to see specific frequencies in detail.
Pinches are cumulative, so keep pinching. The settings panel allows you to reset the app to default settings, so have fun exploring sound !
I would also like to Thank George DeVore for allowing me to use his music, for promotional artwork. Please check out Wonderland and Four Under Par
Landscape Views
